by Scott


Some stuff I assume you might be curious about

1. Wait. Huh?

4. So then who are you?

I'm Scott. Hiya.

5. What is up with Elliot's hair?

Spending several months in a zombie uprising tends to keep you from dying your roots.

7. So the zombies were caused by Swine Flu?
Well, that is what Anna thinks. It's one of the theories
people in town have. But probably not. At this point it's
unlikely anyone will ever know for sure what brought them here.
But I think everyone is more interested in removing the problem instead of looking for who to blame.

8. Your comic sucks.

That's not a question. But yeah, you're probably right. But hey, I'm using this as a way to improve my nonexistant skills.
As long as I'm enjoying doing it, slowly bettering my drawing, and managing to entertain a few people online, it's all ducky.

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